Friday, March 03, 2006


The funny thing about blogs is this: people read them! Some 1L here at Tech posted a comment about clothing at Board of Barrister competitions. (For the uninitiated, Board of Barristers is a competition for the highly motivated...which I am not!). Well, keeping in line with what I'll call "1L madness" (referring to the fact that 1Ls keep mass emailing all the other students), some other 1L thought he should forward a link to all the other students.

Somewhat of a Disclaimer: While I take full responsibility for all posts I make, if anyone gets the bright idea to forward a link to the entire law school from my blog, please do me a favor...correct any typos you find! I really cannot spell to save my life.

Somewhat of another Disclaimer: If I ever offend anyone, please know it is completely unintentional. I use this small spot of e-space only in the hopes that my random thoughts may someday coalesce into something more worthwhile when taken as a whole.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The first disclaimer suits you fine. I am tired of correcting your mistakes.