Wednesday, March 16, 2005


Not that I think there is a mass conspiracy afoot...but, think about the following. In the midst of a national energy crisis, what is the president in the news for most often (besides, of course, his "occasional" verbal slip)? Social Security. What is on the mind of the average voter? Gas prices. In addition to looking ahead to the next 40 years of social security, which is great, I think something more needs to be said about the next 40 years of energy also. That doesn't stop at the debate about the Alaska. It means moving away from oil to other forms of energy. Other energy sources would help us cut off those nasty OPEC ties. This isn't going to happen overnight, so a long term plan needs to be put into motion now. But where is the dialogue on this topic? I haven't seen much. "Alternative" energy sources seem to be left to the leftys, the hippies, "those" people. Of course, this is only one person's perspective. But I am none of the above, and I am most definitely for getting away from oil as our main energy source. There are a number of things that could replace it. Wind power is becoming pretty big here in west Texas. But that isn't it. We could have a number of sources or we could move to one main, streamlined form of energy - like hydrogen or hydro-electricity. It could be government or privately run. (That is a whole other debate). Regardless, something must be done and soon.

1 comment:

knlay said...

I tend to agree with you regarding alternative sources of energy. World leaders should look at ways they can assist research in this area. I hate to see all the oil in the middle east finish (after all it happened in the United States). Where next will we turn to? I think liquified natural gas (LNG) is the best alternative in terms alternative now and more research needs to be extended here.