So, that massive group of ladies I mentioned? Well, quite a few of them participate in Not Me! Monday. I think it is an awesome idea, and the rules are found
Ok, here goes!
1. Today, after Abby had been crying for a long time, I did not realize that she was in fact starving. She did not then proceed to down an 8oz bottle (following of course a huge bowl of cereal and a huge serving of green beans).
2. After she went down for a nap, I did not sit on the couch to eat a chocolate popsicle and write about what happened.
3. I did not go to switch the laundry from the washer to the dryer and find a dried load of clothes that had been sitting in there for two days.
4. I did not then proceed to eat another chocolate popsicle.
5. I have never skimmed on dusting by simply wiping the T.V. screen rather than the entire T.V.
6. I have never simply picked up the crumbs I could see on the kitchen and breakfast room floor rather that sweeping and moping both areas.